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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Welcome to Our Blog

This post just welcomes you to the site. The first posts will appear on Tuesday, April 23rd so check back then.


  1. I think that Hazel did not want to go to the picnic because she knew it was going to be just to sad to watch Jed go. Hazel, I think was also maybe a little bit jealous of her sister, Estelle for being Jed’s girlfriend, when Hazel was his friend first. World War II impacted a lot of people because their loved ones were going off to the war, and they knew they might never come back. They could die. Hazel is probably so worried and sad that Jed might never, ever come back that she did not want to face saying goodbye.

    1. Anna you said that Hazel is in love with Jed and you are correct Hazel really adores him until the war started and Jed started to be more of her sis `boyfriend`. You also hit the jackpot by Hazel is super extraordinary jealous of her sister!!!


    2. Anna, that is a great point that I didn't put together. I think you're right, part of the reason she didn't want to go to the picnic could be that she was jealous of her sister and Jed's relationship. Now that I think on it, that might have played an equal part to also being sad that Jed was leaving.
      Mara (Q's mom)

  2. Hazel did not want to go to the picnic because she feels really jealous that Estelle and Jed get to go out two days in a row, and she is just sad. Her decision shows that the war has created hard times for people because when Jed left, Everybody was all sad and afraid he'd die.

    -Mateusz T.
