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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 1 Question

Please respond to the following question using RAD format and correct spelling and grammar. Use information from the book to support your thinking. Type your response in Google Docs first, then post it to the site. This way you won't lose your work, and if you need to make corrections you can.

Question 1: 

Why did Hazel not want to go to the picnic? How does her decision show that the war has created hard times for people? 


  1. Hazel did not want to go to the picnic because people have been spoiling the news to them that they had to leave like her Dad, her brother,her best friend,and Mary Frances. Her decisions show that she is not really happy times because everyone is said people are dieing in most horrid ways and it is a very sad time.

    1. Mara (Quincy's Mom)April 25, 2013 at 1:09 PM

      "Hi Matthew, I agree that this was a very sad time. When you listed all the people in Hazel's life that have left due to the war, it was quite a list. It helps me to understand her decision to avoid the picnic, it just signified one more person who was leaving her. Your comment, "not really happy times," led me to think about the nature of picnics. Picnics are normally happy and festive events, but this picnic, I'm inferring, had an underlying sadness to it. Thank you for sharing.
      Mara (Quincy's mom)"

    2. @Matthew I agree that people are dieing in the most horrid of ways. Hazel also doesn't want to go to the picnic because she is jealous that Jed is hanging out with Estelle more than with her, and she is kind of angry. The picnic just reminds her of her jealousy and anger.


  2. @Quincy`s mom u said something that peaked my mind it was about the picnic being sad and happy I always always thought I picnics were always happy but you made me think of it in a different perspective.

  3. Hazel didn’t go to the picnic because she didn’t want to see anymore of her loved ones leave to help the war, she didn’t want to say goodbye anymore. Hazel wanted to stay home and try to forget that Jed was leaving. Her decision showed that the war was a hard time because it showed that so many people were wanting to help the country and putting a lot of stress on themselves, their family, and their friends to thinking one day they might not be alive anymore. I think that the war would be hard on everyone who lived in the country.
    Book citing: My friend the enemy by J.B. Cheaney

    1. Hi Q=) I agree, Hazel wanted to stay home to forget Jed was leaving. I also think that not only was she sad, she was also angry. In my opinion, Hazel might be fighting against the sadness with anger. I think you said it perfectly when you said, "Her decision showed that the war was a hard time." Most people would not give up the chance to go to a fun picnic.

  4. @Matthew I think that you were right about how people are tired of there loved ones leaving. And people are dying in the most horrid ways. Some of that is getting killed but in this case, it's war and war is not enjoyable for anyone that has to either be in the war or is having their country participate in the war.

  5. @Mara (Quincy's mom) I also like your comment on how picnics are supposed to be a happy festive type of thing but the way this picnic is working is saying goodbye to their family and friends. I also agree with you that Matthew's list of Hazels friends and family that are leaving for this war was quite long and Jed was just another person to add to this list.

  6. Mrs. M (Matthew's mom)April 28, 2013 at 9:08 PM

    I agree with all the previous posts that Hazel didn’t want to go to the picnic as it was a sorrowful event. I also think Hazel was a bit jealous of her sister getting all of Jed’s attention at the picnic. The reason I think that is based on the response she gave her mom when her mom asked, “What will he [Jed] think if you don’t show up to wish him well?” Hazel’s response was “I already did. Besides, he won’t miss me as long as Estelle’s around”. Hazel didn’t want Jed to ignore her at the picnic. So rather than being ignored at the picnic she opted to stay home.

  7. Hazel did not want to go to the picnic because she feels really jealous that Estelle and Jed get to go out two days in a row, and she is just sad. Her decision shows that the war has created hard times for people because when Jed left, Everybody was all sad and afraid he’d die.

    -Mateusz T.
